To compensate for bad conscience

You would think that it would be easy. With Agenda 2030, all countries in the UN have agreed on how we want the world to be in ten years. What an agreement! With that in mind, you could imagine that all countries would gather their very best superpowers and dissolve the knots.
Friday thoughts from the stable

Two out of three Greengoats are workout addicts. The third one flew into the office today after a session with her PT. After describing her past, now corrected, weaknesses in the shoulder area, an ankle, arm strength and lower back, she exclaimed happily: “I will now start a weightlifting career. After all, Evy Palm was […]
Friday jump

Here is a Friday jump from a team of more or less corona affected goats, who, after all, have collected rays of light today. The post is about not waiting for rules and regulations to guide you and to avoid being dragged into the future.
Where it all started

It all started approximately eight years ago with a common desire to accomplish something together, something important. We were inspired by Smilings’ cashew nuts and wanted to do something similar. Create jobs and fair terms for those who are doing the real job. But lives were to live here and at the time, there was […]
Sustainable fashion

When Tilda Svärd, 18 years old, was looking for a good subject for her high school degree project, she decided that she wanted to increase the awareness about sustainable fashion by creating a magazine. Tilda is in her third year at Kungstensgymnasiet’s aesthetic program with photo as her special area. Her dream is to become […]
Thoughts about best-before dates

We talk a lot about best-before dates at Greengoat. These discussions are very seldom about milk or meat; it’s more about business. What does it take to be relevant tomorrow? Is maximizing profit for the shareholders enough? We say no, and this is actually one of the main reasons to our existence. We believe that […]