The sustainability report makes us happier

It’s time for trust and security, says Bodil Jönsson and Åke Åkesson in their book Tid för tillit och trygghet (in Swedish only). They mean that our part of the industrial world is so economically well off today that we haven’t really noticed what it has cost us.

Can we talk about Preem?


It’s impossible to write a post this week without mentioning Preem and the Mark och Miljööverdomstolen’s remark. To be honest, the issue has dominated all our discussions this week. The gut feeling says: What?! Is an expanded thick oil refinery really what the world needs right now? What happened to the environmental goals?

How many thoughts can we keep in our head at the same time?


It’s been a bit hectic this week, to say the least. The thing is that we suddenly realized that one million plants and animal species are threatened with extinction around the world, and that there is no indication that the situation will improve.

What will be shocking in 56 years?


In the 1960s, the sea was still infinitely large. This simple instructional film about how to behave at sea from 1964 shows just that. It’s in Swedish, but it shows how to make your garbage sink to the sea floor instead of reaching the shore.

The art of managing risk


In Google’s sustainability report from 2019, they state: “The path to a cleaner, healthier future begins with the small decisions we make each day. That’s why we strive to build sustainability into everything we do”. With that said, where does their responsibility start and where does it end?